# About This is the continuation of the official "Discogs API client for Python", which was deprecated by discogs.com as of June 2020. We, _the Joalla Team_, think it is a very useful Python module and are continuing maintenance. [python3-discogs-client](https://pypi.org/project/python3-discogs-client/) enables you to query the Discogs database (discogs.com) through its REST-API for information on artists, releases, labels, users, Marketplace listings, and more. It also supports OAuth 1.0a authorization, which allows you to change user data such as profile information, collections and wantlists, inventory, and orders. Find usage information on these documentation pages, ask for help, suggest features and help others in the [discussion section of our github repo](https://github.com/joalla/discogs_client/discussions). If you'd like to contribute your code, you are welcome to submit a pull-request as described [here](contributing.md). There also is the _long running_ thread ["Continuation of the Python Discogs API Client"](https://www.discogs.com/forum/thread/822690) on the Discogs developer forum we use to announce releases and other news.