# Contributing There are several ways you can help improve the `python3-discogs-client` library. - Help others in the [support section of our github repo]( https://github.com/joalla/discogs_client/discussions/categories/support). - [Improve the documentation](#writing-documentation). - [Suggest and discuss fixes and features]( https://github.com/joalla/discogs_client/discussions/categories/ideas). - [Submit your fixes and features](#submitting). - [Chat with others]( https://github.com/joalla/discogs_client/discussions/categories/projects) about projects and collaborate around the Client. ## Submitting Submit changes to the code or the documentation by forking our repo and submitting a pull-request to the master branch. If you are unsure about anything or have questions, please [add a post in in the Ideas section](https://github.com/joalla/discogs_client/discussions/categories/ideas) of Discussions. ## Testing an unreleased feature Sometimes you might want to use a feature that has not been released yet, such as a pull request that needs to be tested. You can install from a development branch like this: ``` pip install -e git+https://github.com/pr_submitters_user_name/discogs_client@feature_branch_name#egg=python3-discogs-client ``` Or temporarily write this into your requirements.txt: ``` -e git+https://github.com/pr_submitters_user_name/discogs_client@feature_branch_name#egg=python3-discogs-client ``` And then re-install all the dependent packages using the file as the input source: ``` pip install -r requirements.txt --update ``` ## Writing Documentation You can help keep the documentation current by editing or adding new pages to the documentation. Please see the [Writing Documentation page](writing_docs.md) for more information on how to clone the repository, edit the documentation, and build the documentation.