# Fetching data using the REPL Using the Python REPL can be another way to test and review the information and data available using the Discogs API. This will help show what data is available and how it will presented back to you when using the `python3-discogs-client` library. Note that the examples in this chapter require an existing [Client object](quickstart.md). ## Artist Query for an artist using the artist's name: ```python >>> artist = d.artist(956139) >>> print(artist) >>> 'name' in artist.data.keys() True ``` ### Special properties Get a list of `Artist`s representing this artists' aliases: ```python >>> artist.aliases [...] ``` Get a list of `Release`s by this artist by page number: ```python >>> artist.releases.page(1) [...] ``` ## Release Query for a release using its Discogs ID: ```python >>> release = d.release(221824) ``` ### Special properties Get the title of this `Release`: ```python >>> release.title '...' ``` Get a list of all `Artist`s associated with this `Release`: ```python >>> release.artists [] ``` Get the tracklist for this `Release`: ```python >>> release.tracklist [...] ``` Get details of the first track on this `Release` ```python >>> release.tracklist[0].title [...] >>> release.tracklist[0].duration [...] ``` Find the available properties of a `Track` object in the module docs: {class}`discogs_client.models.Track` Get the `MasterRelease` for this `Release`: ```python >>> release.master ``` Get a list of all `Label`s for this `Release`: ```python >>> release.labels [...] ``` ## MasterRelease Query for a master release using its Discogs ID: ```python >>> master_release = d.master(120735) ``` ### Special properties Get the key `Release` for this `MasterRelease`: ```python >>> master_release.main_release ``` Get the title of this `MasterRelease`: ```python >>> master_release.title '...' >>> master_release.title == master_release.main_release.title True ``` Get a list of `Release`s representing other versions of this `MasterRelease` by page number: ```python >>> master_release.versions.page(1) [...] ``` Get the tracklist for this `MasterRelease`: ```python >>> master_release.tracklist [...] ``` ## Label Query for a label using the label's ID: ```python >>> label = d.label(6170) ``` ### Special properties Get a list of `Release`s from this `Label` by page number: ```python >>> label.releases.page(1) [...] ``` Get a list of `Label`s representing sublabels associated with this `Label`: ```python >>> label.sublabels [...] ``` Get the `Label`'s parent label, if it exists: ```python >>> label.parent_label