discogs_client.fetchers module#
- class discogs_client.fetchers.Fetcher#
Base class for Fetchers, which wrap and normalize the APIs of various HTTP libraries.
(It’s a slightly leaky abstraction designed to make testing easier.)
- backoff_enabled = True#
- connect_timeout: float | int | None = None#
- read_timeout: float | int | None = None#
- fetch(client, method, url, data=None, headers=None, json=True)#
Fetch the given request
- Parameters:
client (object) – Instantiated discogs_client.client.Client object.
method (str) – HTTP method.
url (str) – API endpoint URL.
data (dict, optional) – data to be sent in the request’s body, by default None.
headers (dict, optional) – HTTP headers, by default None.
json_format (bool, optional) – If True, an object passed with the “data” arg will be converted into a JSON string, by default True.
- Returns:
content (bytes) – as returned by Python “Requests”
status_code (int) – as returned by Python “Requests”
- Raises:
NotImplementedError – Is raised if a child class doesn’t implement a fetch method.
- request(method, url, data, headers, params=None)#
- class discogs_client.fetchers.LoggingDelegator(fetcher)#
Wraps a fetcher and logs all requests.
- property last_request#
- fetch(client, method, url, data=None, headers=None, json=True)#
Appends passed “fetcher” to a requests list and returns result of fetcher.fetch method
- class discogs_client.fetchers.RequestsFetcher#
Fetches via HTTP from the Discogs API (unauthenticated)
- fetch(client, method, url, data=None, headers=None, json=True)#
- Parameters:
client (object) – Unused in this subclass.
method (str) – HTTP method.
url (str) – API endpoint URL.
data (dict, optional) – data to be sent in the request’s body, by default None.
headers (dict, optional) – HTTP headers, by default None.
json_format (bool, optional) – Unused in this subclass, by default True.
- Returns:
content (bytes) – as returned by Python “Requests”
status_code (int) – as returned by Python “Requests”
- class discogs_client.fetchers.UserTokenRequestsFetcher(user_token)#
Fetches via HTTP from the Discogs API using User-token authentication
- fetch(client, method, url, data=None, headers=None, json_format=True)#
Fetch the given request on the user’s behalf
- Parameters:
client (object) – Unused in this subclass.
method (str) – HTTP method.
url (str) – API endpoint URL.
data (dict, optional) – data to be sent in the request’s body, by default None.
headers (dict, optional) – HTTP headers, by default None.
json_format (bool, optional) – If True, an object passed with the “data” arg will be converted into a JSON string, by default True.
- Returns:
content (bytes) – as returned by Python “Requests”
status_code (int) – as returned by Python “Requests”
- class discogs_client.fetchers.OAuth2Fetcher(consumer_key, consumer_secret, token=None, secret=None)#
Fetches via HTTP + OAuth 1.0a from the Discogs API.
- store_token_from_qs(query_string)#
- forget_token()#
- store_token(token, secret)#
- set_verifier(verifier)#
- fetch(client, method, url, data=None, headers=None, json_format=True)#
Fetch the given request on the user’s behalf
- Parameters:
client (object) – Unused in this subclass.
method (str) – HTTP method.
url (str) – API endpoint URL.
data (dict, optional) – Data to be sent in the request’s body, by default None.
headers (dict, optional) – HTTP headers, by default None.
json_format (bool, optional) – If True, an object passed with the “data” arg will be converted into a JSON string, by default True.
- Returns:
content (bytes) – as returned by Python “Requests”
status_code (int) – as returned by Python “Requests”
- class discogs_client.fetchers.FilesystemFetcher(base_path)#
Fetches from a directory of files.
- default_response = ('{"message": "Resource not found."}', 404)#
- path_with_params = re.compile('(?P<dir>(\\w+/)+)(?P<query>\\w+)\\?(?P<params>.*)')#
- fetch(client, method, url, data=None, headers=None, json=True)#
Fetch the given request
- Parameters:
client (object) – Instantiated discogs_client.client.Client object.
method (str) – Unused in this subclass (this fetcher supports GET only).
url (str) – API endpoint URL.
data (dict, optional) – Unused in this subclass (this fetcher supports GET only).
headers (dict, optional) – Unused in this subclass.
json_format (bool, optional)
- Returns:
content (bytes)
status_code (int)
- check_alternate_params(base_name, json)#
parse_qs() result is non-deterministic - a different file might be requested, making the tests fail randomly, depending on the order of parameters in the query. This fixes it by checking for matching file names with a different permutations of the parameters.
- class discogs_client.fetchers.MemoryFetcher(responses)#
Fetches from a dict of URL -> (content, status_code).
- default_response = ('{"message": "Resource not found."}', 404)#
- fetch(client, method, url, data=None, headers=None, json=True)#
Fetch the given request
- Parameters:
client (object) – Unused in this subclass.
method (str) – Unused in this subclass (this fetcher supports GET only).
url (str) – API endpoint URL.
data (dict, optional) – Unused in this subclass (this fetcher supports GET only).
headers (dict, optional) – Unused in this subclass.
json_format (bool, optional) – Unused in this subclass
- Returns:
content (bytes)
status_code (int)